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NYC Injury Lawyers, P.C.

Things You Don’t Know About NYC

New York is one of the busiest and biggest cities in the world and mainly of the United States, having a large population of 8 million and with people speaking over 800 languages. It is not rare that people may not be aware of some of the things about this diverse city. Here are some of the most interesting things that you probably don’t know about New York City.

  1. New York City has one of the largest gold reserves in the world. The New York City’s Federal Reserve Bank contains about $90 billion worth of gold in an 80 feet deep vault below the street level.
  2. Not just the bank, but the New York Public Library is also the second-largest library system of the nation after the Library of Congress with over 50 million books, making it the third-largest library in the world.
  3. New York has a history like some other countries and cities of not having its original name at present as well. New York’s first name was definitely not New York. Its original name was New Amsterdam due to Dutch settlers being the first settlers to arrive in 1624 but later in 1664, the English took over and renamed the city New York.
  4. The Grand Central Terminal is one the most beautiful architectural masterpiece and a sight for an eye. But the most interesting thing about this terminal is that it has a whispering gallery means you will be able to whisper to the person standing on the other side of the wall.
  5. New York City, where it is a home of diverse languages also resides about 275 different species of birds and has so many pigeons in the city alone. You can find most of these birds in Central Park, depending on the season.
  6. Everyone has heard about the famous pizzeria, but the first pizzeria was opened in NYC in 1895. And since 1965, a single size of pizza has been around the same price as a subway ride that generated the “Pizza principle” among economists.
  7. The statue of liberty, which is a symbol of freedom and dream, was a famous gift from France to maintain the bond of the French and Americans.

NYC Injury Attorneys:

NYC Injury Attorneys P.C is a leading personal injury law firm in the NYC metro area that serves personal injury cases as lawyers like car practices, medical malpractice, truck accidents, slip and fall, workplace incidents, etc. The lawyers will help you get justice and rightful compensation in a limited time. You won’t have to pay the fee unless they win the case.

If you or your loved one is injured due to someone else’s negligence, the team of attorneys at MYC injury P.C is ready to consult you for free 24/7, support you legally throughout the whole process and give you the deserving results.

Contact: 646- 452- 3663

140 Broadway, 46th floor, PMB 300, NY, 1005

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