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Brain Injury Attorney NYC

Symptoms of a Head Injury

Brain Injury Lawyer NYC

Sometimes individuals sustain traumatic brain injuries (TBI) as a condition of falls, vehicle accidents, and other forms of mishaps. The damage can have an impact on how individuals understand, performs, and manage his or her feelings. All persons who have suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) require considerable medical care. People are frequently unable to job or enjoy their life as they did prior to the injury.

TBI has an influence on the lives of families of victims, as Brain Injury Lawyer NYC‘s skilled personal injury attorneys understand. If you or a close one has suffered catastrophic brain damage as a result of someone else’s carelessness, we want to assist you in holding the individual responsible and getting the justice you need.

Symptoms of a Head Injury

Following a trauma, the main symptoms may appear minutes, hours, or days later:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Drowsiness
  • Neck ache and whiplash
  • Amnesia and memory loss
  • Issues with vision
  • Hearing loss, ringing in the ears
  • Hearing loss, ringing in the ears


Individuals who have had a trauma or a severe closed head injury frequently have greater headaches following the accident or injury. The pain might be felt in the temples or on the top of the head. The discomfort might sometimes begin in the back of the head and spread to the front. Individuals may experience brief bursts of intense pain in the head that last anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes. It’s also possible that your dizziness isn’t going away.

Emotional And Behavioral Change

Individuals who have had brain damage are more likely to get irritated or angry. They cry or feel sad with more ease and frequency. Depression, sadness, frustration, loneliness, and mood swings are all symptoms of brain injury. These emotional adjustments appear to occur quickly and have an influence on interpersonal interactions.

Memory Of an Individual

A severe brain injury might result in short-term memory issues. People who have had a brain injury frequently claim that they appear to forget what they were told only minutes before. They also have trouble recalling what they’ve just read and must repeatedly ask the same questions. Traumatic brain injury patients must write everything down so that they do not forget anything.

Balance Problems

A traumatic brain injury can cause balance problems. Losing balance in the shower or walking downstairs are examples of signs and symptoms. It’s possible that people will have to sit in the shower or require assistance when walking.

Additional TBI Signs and Symptoms

  • Distraction periods.
  • Difficulties recalling discussions or feeling disoriented throughout them.
  • Problem-solving difficulties
  • Mental processing is being slowed.
  • Getting the appropriate word is difficult, and communication is impeded.
  • Training takes longer, and it’s tough to recall what you’ve learned recently.
  • Motivation and drive are lacking.
  • Comprehension and capacity to pay attention are hampered.
  • Sadness, sorrow, and loneliness are all symptoms of loneliness.
  • Modifications in self-perception and interpersonal interactions.
  • Life responsibilities are being lost or altered.
  • Anger and resentment have increased.
  • Gatherings should be avoided at all costs.

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