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Common Accidents in Restaurants and Hotels

Accidents in restaurants and hotels are not as uncommon as you might have thought them to be. In 2019, full-service restaurant employees in the private sector suffered 93,800 accidental injuries and illnesses.

Those who work in the hotel and leisure industries know how exhausting the industry can be. It may be highly hands-on, regardless of whether public-facing or otherwise, with extended durations in fast-paced workplaces. To some degree, the occasional scratch or injury is to be anticipated under such situations. Nevertheless, if the incidents are triggered by an employer’s failure to maintain employees safe, it should not be permitted.

Common Accidents in Restaurants and Hotels

Several accidents happen in restaurants and hotels daily. However, not every accident is worth filing a lawsuit for. Below mentioned are five of the several accidents, which if you ever be a recipient of, should visit a lawyer or an attorney to get legal help.

1. Slip and Fall Including Trips

This type of incident is perhaps the most prevalent among non-fatal accidents to workers, contributing to 29% of all non-fatal accident types. These incidents occur, but the issue emerges when spillage and slippery surfaces go unattended, converting the danger into a cause. It becomes a work accident when an accident occurs due to a failure to observe or execute a procedure.

2. Handling or Lifting

Lifting or handling accidents are the second most frequent occupational injury, accounting for 22% of non-fatal injuries. Muscle strains are the most common injury caused by lifting and carrying large objects. A lifting or handling injury can cause back pain, neck discomfort, arm pain, even leg pain. Your employer should give heavy-goods handling instruction as well as any necessary lifting equipment.

3. Hit by an Object

The third most frequent occupational accident is being struck by an item, accounting for 10% of workplace injuries. Such injuries can manifest in various issues, ranging from small scrapes and bruises to much more grave repercussions such as a concussion or perhaps even disability. These incidents are frequently caused by items tumbling from a high shelf, shifting loads with equipment, and falling instruments.

4. Falling From an Elevated Position

Dropping from an elevation, which accounts for 7% of all non-fatal workplace accidents, includes falls from staircases and scaffolds, as well as any other construction or framework that isn’t at floor level. Even though falling from an elevation is the fourth most common non-fatal work hazard, it is the third leading cause of fatal injuries, accounting for 20% of serious accidents.

Restaurant and Hotel Accident Case

To determine whether your restaurant/hotel accident is worth filing a lawsuit for, it is advised to visit a lawyer or an attorney. Lawyers and attorneys can better guide you by looking at your case’s individuality and providing you with adequate legal advice to assess whether or not you should pursue the case.

Suppose you or your loved ones face a restaurant or help accident within New York City. In that case, we suggest you consult NYC Injury Attorneys P.C. to get the maximum compensation possible.

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