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Tag / personal injury lawyers

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  • NYC personal injury attorneys

    Are Personal Injury Settlements Considered Marital Property?

    When two people tie the knot in New York, things tend to become one for both of them; even their assets, properties, income, etc. It means that when you get a salary,…

  • NYC personal injury lawyer

    Here is Why Understanding Personal Injury Protection Matters

    Personal injury protection is a type of auto insurance that covers medical expenses and, in some cases, lost wages and other damages. It may also be known as “no-fault” coverage. Legally, personal…

  • NYC personal injury attorney

    Here Is How to Know if your Case is Civil or Criminal

    Civil and criminal cases form the basis of the judiciary. But do you know the jurisdiction of your case? Is it civil or criminal? The State brings two broad classes on how…

  • History of Central Park

    Central Park was the country’s first groomed public park. The park’s supporters, mostly affluent merchants, and landowners, loved the public grounds of London and Paris and argued that New York needed a…

  • New York train accident attorney

    Most Common Cause of Train Accidents

    To be fair, trains don’t get into a whole lot of crashes, which may be why they aren’t seen as a big threat. Even though railway lines are not being used as…

  • New York Personal Injury attorney

    Steps to Take After a Dog Bite

    Dog Bites Accident Dog bites are among the most traumatic wounds a person may experience. Often dog bites are caused by the dog owner’s irresponsibility, such as permitting the dog to run…

  • personal injury attorney NYC

    Most Common Types Of Sports Injuries

    Playing a sport is an excellent way to combine fitness with something you like. Many people get injured while doing sports because of the negligence of their coaches. As the result of…

  • NYC personal injury attorney

    Dog Bite Laws in NYC

    New York is a state that is known for its strict governance. A person living here should have better knowledge about its rules and regulations. This brings us to the dog bite…


    How To Prove a Product Liability Claim?

    Product liability refers to the liability of any or all parties along the chain of manufacture of any product for damage caused by that product. This includes the manufacturer of component parts,…

  • NYC Injury Lawyers P.C.

    Common Accidents in Restaurants and Hotels

    Accidents in restaurants and hotels are not as uncommon as you might have thought them to be. In 2019, full-service restaurant employees in the private sector suffered 93,800 accidental injuries and illnesses. Those…