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  • Sexual Assault Attorney NYC

    Reasons You Should Hire a Sexual Assault Lawyer

    Sexual assault occurs when someone purposefully sexually contacts another person beyond their agreement, or when someone tried to coerce or forcibly compels someone to participate in a sexual act over their choice.…

  • NYC Wrongful Death Attorney

    What Classifies as a Wrongful Death?

    Introduction The numbers are simply astounding: over 90,000 people die each year as a result of medical negligence exclusively, not to mention the numerous other causes of wrongful death. According to the…

  • New York City Construction Attorneys

    A Comprehensive Guide to Carlos’ Law

    What Is Carlos’ Law, and How Can It Help Protect Construction Workers? Carlos’ Law applies to crimes involving the death or injury of a worker. It enhances the penalties for businesses whose…

  • Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney

    Costs Associated With a Traumatic Brain Injury

    Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer TBIs can have a significant impact on one’s quality of life. Emotional issues, diminished cognitive capacity, speech problems, difficulty managing bodily motions, and other issues are all possible…

  • Slip and Fall Lawyers NYC

    Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

    Introduction Each year, about eight million people visit the emergency department due to falls. Slip and fall incidents account for around 12% of all falls. So, these cases are more common than…

  • New York City Car Accident Attorneys

    What To Do In a Car Accident With an Uninsured Driver

    After being hit by an uninsured driver, you may have a lot of concerns. Is it possible for you to receive compensation for your losses? Should you seek legal counsel? What should…

  • New York City Personal Injury attorneys

    All You Need to Know About Pre-trial Settlements

    Several factors determine whether or not a matter gets to trial or settles pleasantly. Up to 95% of lawsuits are resolved out of court, which means they don’t go all the way…

  • NYC Injury Lawyers, P.C.

    Social Media and Personal Injury Cases

    Modern society has made it usual for nearly all adults to be active users of social media websites. We can stay in touch with friends and family by using social media to…

  • Birth Injury Lawyer

    Your Ultimate Guide to Maternal Mortality and NYC Medical Malpractice Law

    Medical mistreatment is something that no patient wishes to be subject to during a health emergency. Patients demand top-quality care with federal and state legal requirements. They must not suffer because of…

  • New York City Slip and Fall Attorneys

    4 Things You Need to Prove in a Slip and Fall Case

    Slips and falls are more common than you think. Liquid-slippery surfaces, uneven floors, crowded corridor sections, and dimly illuminated places can cause catastrophic injuries on both public and private property. However, it…